A1E3M's Portfolio

As I try to make the world a better place...


Graduated from NTU with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering, specialised in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security.


"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..." - Rick Astley. Someone who perseveres on with whatever task given.


My passion for coding and servers started in 2013, creating a server in Minecraft and developing my own plugins. The passion grew to computers as I was exposed to Tech Youtube Videos.

My Projects

FYP - ICM Buddy

This project aims to improve the consistency of the results obtained from long exposure photography and present new ways to take slow exposure photos by automating the movements of the focus and zoom lens during the shoot. With the pre-sets available in the project, photographers will be able to control the type of resulting images that they can get. The projective objective is to improve the user experience for experienced and new photographers by providing automation to the camera during the long exposure shoot.

Coming in to the scene with zero knowledge on cameras, it caught my attention when the idea was to automate the DSLR lenses. By automating the movement of the lenses, a certain level of control and precision can be established. Armed with Arduino, I set off learning about the various designs that can be made. The biggest challenge of the project was the software. Due to the size of the Arduino, not a lot of logic can be squeezed to the AtMega microcontroller. As such, I had a hard time trying to reduce the code size yet maintaining the same level of logic and efficiency as previously. However, all the hardwork definitely paid off as I had a sucessful project.

ICM Buddy goes brrr...

LYON 2.0 Chatbot

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has launched a new virtual assistant to help more than 6000 incoming students transition to university life, leveraging expertise from Google Cloud and specialist partner OniGroup.

Under the banner of Project Lyon 2.0, the chatbot is designed to complement the virtual Freshmen Orientation held online, which has replaced the annual Freshman Orientation program due to Covid-19. The aim is to provide students with an “easy-to-use” mobile experience offering guidance specific to NTU Smart Campus resources and on-boarding activities.

I learnt a lot during my time with the group, and understanding about the learning algorithm of the chatbot. It was a fresh experience, something that I had never experience before. Working with OniGroup backed by Google cloud, overall, I had an exciting time there and seeing the successful launch of the chatbot definitely brought tears to my eyes.

MyServer Factions Server

Minecraft Probow Server

The creation of the Minecraft Probow Server was definitely a highlight in my life. I first made a minecraft server for fun in the pretext of creating a server to test out my knowledge in the game, be it ingame or as a plugin creator. However, this soon became viral and I had more players than I had anticipated. The feedback that I received was great and how they enjoyed the server that I put up together was a key highlight.

Armed with another partner of mine, we launched the Probow Network to bring more styles of Minecraft, something that was not common in the 2014s. With my partner, our network was launched and we grew as a server. The key moment of the network was when we had a total of 400 players on at the same time. I learnt a lot during the whole fiasco, from leadership skills as I was handling with advertisements and sponsors and also programming skills as I was the sole programmer for the network.

Which was the reason for the downfall. Due to real life issues that I was facing, I had to leave the network and it was never the same ever again...

The Probow Network

My Language Proficiency


Very Proficient

Most of the experience in C and C++ came from learning in the University such as Arduino, and Data Structure. Due to the nature of microcontroller programming, I learnt how to efficiently reduce code size without impacting performance.



Python was the first language I learnt in University and I developed a software to give a correlation value based on the data of olympic athletes. Since Python is based more towards Data Science, most of the Python programming that I do are based on the Artificial Intelligence modules that I took. Additional to that, I did learn about Pygame and coded a simple game using the language.



Learning Java was during Secondary School due to my interest in Minecraft Plugin creation. Then, I created many custom plugins to be used for my own custom Minecraft server. In University, Java was mainly used during Object-Oriented Design Principles programming which thought me better practices for my programming. In the past, the code that was designed was inefficient as comparted to using OODP programming.



Recently picked up in 2022, javascript was something I had long planned to learn but did not have the time to. The interest to learn more about JavaScript came from CodeBullet, a programmer youtuber who codes ridiculous AI on his own recreated games using JavaScript. That caught my interest and of course, JavaScript will be useful for me when doing webpages.



In the past, HTML & CSS were of no use for me. Even though I had my own Minecraft server with it's own website, most of the website were templates made by Enjin & other users. There was no need for me to create my own from scratch. However, looking at the capabilities of websites nowadays, HTML and CSS will definitely be something of my interest and for me to further endulge in.

About Me

Aleem sitting and smiling awkwardly


I'm Aleem. I'm currently 25 as of the year 2022 and recently graduated from University in May.

I have a huge passion for Computer Science/Engineering and I'd love to have a job working in the field. Technology is always ever expanding and there are many things that are yet to discover... Since my secondary school years, coding has been something that I enjoy due to the sheer logic driven it is. And too many more years as my passion to learn more keeps growing each year.

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